The Allan Ungar-produced criminal biopic "Bandit Flixtor" stars Josh Duhamel, Elisha Cuthbert, Mel Gibson, and Nestor Carbonell. The Flying Bandit by Robert Knuckle, a true crime book, served as the inspiration for the screenplay. It tells the story of Gilbert Galvan Jr., who in the middle of the 1980s committed 59 bank and jewelry store robberies in Canada while using the identity of Robert Whiteman.
Gilbert Galvan Jr. receives a prison term of 18 months in 1984 for check fraud. At six, he flees. He manages to sneak into Canada in order to avoid being apprehended and ends up in Ottawa. No one is born terrible, he claims, and neither was he. He obtains a legitimate job selling popsicles, but to do so, he changes his name to Robert Whiteman using an ID he obtained from a beggar.
Robert loses his job when the ice cream corporation quickly chooses to shut down the cart operation. While waiting, he meets Andrea Hudson, the director of the free church boarding house where he is residing because he is poor. They move in together after falling in love. Robert discovers a few months later that authorities in the US are still looking for him. To keep Andrea safe as well, he chooses to temporarily part ways with her and head to Vancouver in quest of employment.
"Bandit Lookmovie" When he contacts Andrea, he has just realized that there is no employment available for him and is considering robbing a bank. She tells him she's pregnant, which makes him very pleased and also motivates him to carry out the theft because the economy is in shambles and he must now support his family. Given how endearing and laid-back he is, he adapts to it effortlessly.
Aside from that, no theft is big enough for him to pull and then be done with that life because of his extravagant lifestyle. He initially tells Andrea a fib about working for his father as a security expert. He tells her what he's actually doing when she realizes he's lying. After seeing how clever Robert is, Andrea has no issue with his wrongdoing. The only caveat is that he will stop being a bank robber once he has enough money taken to travel to the Bahamas and operate a bar near the beach, which has always been his ambition.
At the start of his career, Robert contacts Tommy Kay, an influential gangster in Ottawa, to raise money for his projects. As a result of Tommy's admiration for Robert's skill at what he does, the two go on to become close friends. Detective John Snydes considers Tommy to be his "white whale." He is a diligent law enforcement officer who is irritated by the flaws in the system that prevent him from performing his duties effectively.
He then forms a partnership with Detective Hoffman. They finally succeed in raising money and launch "Project Cafe," an operation to capture Tommy. Robert initially comes into their focus due to his connection to Tommy. However, they quickly come to the conclusion that he is the one responsible for the numerous bank robberies around the nation, making him a top priority for "Project Cafe."

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